Reporting Loss or Theft

Reporting the Loss or Theft of a Friearm

Massachusetts gun owners are required to report loss, theft or recovery of a gun to the state and local police department. Click here to use the MA Gun Portal

Chapter 284 change: GOAL was succesful in adding language which prevents a licensing authority from finding a licensee “unstuitable” upon reporting a lost/stolen firearm. This exemption is only good once. If a licensee loses or has any additional firearms lost/stolen they can be found “unsuitable” by the licensing authority.

Upon renewal of LTC/FID a licensee must also fill out an affidavit confirming that he/she has not lost any firearms since the last renewal.

Also note new fees for failure to report lost/stolen firearm.

First offense:

  • Was $200 – $1000
  • Now $500 – $1000

Second offense:

  • Was $1000 – $5000
  • Now $2500 – $7500

Third offense:

  • $7500 – $10,000 and/or up to 1 – 5 years in prison.

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