Calling Your Legislator

Phone Calls to Your Legislator

There are times when you will want to communicate with your legislators about legislation that is important to you. Many people are nervous about calling their legislators for the first time. Don't be – it is their job to listen to what you have to say! Please keep in mind though that you should always be polite, concise and to the point. The old adage that you catch more flies with sugar than you do with vinegar holds very true in the political world.

Find your legislator's contact information:

When you are communicating your wishes to your elected representatives, you are exercising your constitutional rights.

If you are using the telephone, you may be unable to talk to the legislator directly. In that case, you should ask to speak to the aide handling that legislation for your representative or senator.

Use the same guidelines as above:

1.    Be brief. Long calls are remembered for being an annoyance, not for their content!

2.    Be specific about what action you want the senator or representative to take.

3.    Thank the aide for their time. Ask for a letter confirming what action was taken.

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