Chapter 135 Referendum

GOAL Supporters File Referendum Petition to Repeal Chapter 135 (H.4885)

Petitions are not yet available for signatures from the general public!

Learn How to Sign the Petition

You must be a registered voter to sign the petition!

Steps in the initiative petition process:

The process is established by Amendment Article 48 of the Massachusetts Constitution.

Signature petitions for the general public are not yet available. We will alert everyone when they are.

  • Initiative petitions first must be prepared by the petitioner, signed by at least 10 registered voters, and submitted to the Attorney General’s Office


  • The Attorney General’s Office then determines if the petition meets the state’s constitutional requirements and can be certified.


  • Petitions certified by the Attorney General’s Office may then be filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.


  • Petitioners must collect enough signatures for their petition and file collected signatures with local election officials for certification.


  • Signed petitions must then be filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.

Not Ready

  • After enough signatures are filed, the measure is then placed on the ballot for the next statewide general election.

Not Ready

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