Training Delay

Massachusetts State Police First Agency to Defy “Rogue Activist” Legislature

August 3, 2024

Only 24 hours after GOAL filed a federal court action focusing on the new licensing and training requirements of Chapter 135 (H.4885) the State Police sent an email to basic firearm safety instructors. (See below)

As most instructors are now aware of, the new law requires anyone seeking a new Massachusetts firearm license, after August 1, 2024, to complete a new training course curriculum. The catch – the curriculum does not exist.

Since the Governor/Legislature did not put an “Emergency Preamble” in the bill, most of the language will not take effect until October 23, 2024. However, there are some parts of the bill that will be retroactive back to certain dates. The training/licensing requirements is one of them.

The move to suspend the rules by the State Police is a tiny spark of light in this dark historic attack on civil rights, but there are a few questions that need to be addressed:

  • The letter states that the State Police are working to “clarify” the training part of the law with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS). Does that mean EOPSS has not given their blessing to defy the law?
  • Will the local licensing authorities join in this defiance? EOPSS has consistently told us that they have no authority to tell the chiefs what to do.
  • Will the Massachusetts Attorney General consider licenses issued in violation of the law valid? That would mean she would be taking a small, but noted, pro 2A stance on gun policy.

GOAL would like to express our great appreciation to the Department of State Police for taking this position. We can only imagine how their boss, Governor Healey, must be reacting. After all she said the bill protects the rights of gun owners!

It is important to note that Senator Creem, on the Senate floor, declared she had the full support of the state agencies – maybe not so much.


Letter to trainers:


Good Evening,


The Department understands the need to provide access to Basic Firearm Safety courses to citizens of the Commonwealth seeking to obtain a license to carry a firearm. We are working with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) to clarify the statutory interpretation of the new firearms law. Regarding the basic safety firearms courses, and concerns related to the opportunity to obtain a License to Carry before the effective date of the law, individuals will not be required to take the new course called for under the law, including the live-fire requirement, until the law goes into effect. Please be advised that you are free to offer Basic Firearms Safety courses in their current format.   


Please note, the Department will be sharing additional guidance as it becomes available.





Kristin M. Ryan

Firearms Licensing

Massachusetts State Police





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