
Belchertown Wastes Tax Payer Dollars to Protect Chief’s “Suitability” Authority


Recently Attorney Hagan filed a case in Eastern Hampshire District Court (Doran v. Pacunas / docket 2498CV84). The client had been denied a license based on suitability. The District Court Judge ruled that a denial of an LTC based on “suitability” (aka the unfettered discretion of a police chief) was unconstitutional as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

The Town of Belchertown has now hired a Boston law firm, at great expense for sure, to oppose the court’s ruling upholding the Second Amendment.

“Belchertown is taking a firm stance in an attempt to suppress the constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens,” said Jim Wallace Executive Director of GOAL. “This town is not only fighting against the U.S. Constitution, but they are also using your tax dollars to do it.”

This case has state-wide implications far beyond Belchertown. GOAL has pledged to support Attorney Daniel Hagan and we will vigorously fight to uphold the judge’s decision to protect the 2A rights of all Massachusetts citizens.

We would urge every citizen to contact the Belchertown Select Board to express your opinions on their unconstitutional action.

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