Chapter 135 Referendum

GOAL Supporters File Referendum Petition to Repeal Chapter 135 (H.4885)

Learn How to Sign the Petition

You must be a registered voter to sign the petition!

Steps in the initiative petition process:

The process is established by Amendment Article 48 of the Massachusetts Constitution.

  • Initiative petitions first must be prepared by the petitioner, signed by at least 10 registered voters, and submitted to the Attorney General’s Office


  • The Attorney General’s Office then determines if the petition meets the state’s constitutional requirements and can be certified.


  • Petitions certified by the Attorney General’s Office may then be filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.


  • Petitioners must collect enough signatures for their petition and file collected signatures with local election officials for certification.


  • Signed petitions must then be filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.

Not Ready

  • After enough signatures are filed, the measure is then placed on the ballot for the next statewide general election.

Not Ready

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