
Welcome to the GOAL Training Academy

Meet Your GOAL Training Staff

  • Firearms Training

    At GOAL, we believe that lessons on safe firearms handling are essential for public safety. Our dedicated staff offers high-quality training for individuals interested in the proper use, handling, and safe storage of firearms. From classes for new shooters to certification training for aspiring firearms instructors, we cater to a wide range of needs. Additionally, we provide referrals to qualified instructors across the state.

  • Youth Education

    GOAL firmly believes in the importance of educating our youth for the future of our nation. To prevent children from viewing guns as toys or as a means to solve conflicts, we actively promote the National Rifle Association’s award-winning Eddie Eagle program, which is a gun accident prevention program. This program teaches children a crucial safety message: “STOP! Don’t Touch! Leave the area. Tell an adult.” Our members and activists have successfully introduced this program into elementary schools statewide, delivering this lifesaving message to young children.

  • Gun Owner Education

    Gun Owner Education

    With the numerous local, state, and federal firearms laws, GOAL serves as a highly respected source of information for Massachusetts' licensed gun owners. Our popular Massachusetts Firearms Law book is now in its eighteenth printing. We provide researched fact sheets on various topics, including the licensing structure of Massachusetts gun laws and the transportation and storage requirements for gun owners in the Commonwealth. We also offer several courses for current gun owners and sports enthusiasts, covering intermediate topics and introductions to new shooting sports and disciplines. Please refer to our training and education schedule for a complete list of these seminars.

Course Information

All courses are held at GOAL HQ unless otherwise noted.

Important Note: The system automatically cancels any invoices not paid within 15 minutes. We cannot guarantee your spot if you need to restart the sign-up process.

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