Retailer Mandates Delayed

Chapter 135 EOPSS Guidance #2

On the very same day that Governor Healey promises to sign an emergency preamble to Chapter 135, yet another suspension of the new mandates come from her agencies. Guidance Letter #2 deals with licensed firearm retailers.

As the Governor moves to enact Chapter 135 immediately, retailers would be prohibited from selling rifles an shotguns of any kind. This is because the new mandates that any kind of firearm must go through laboratory testing before being placed on an "approved roster". This now include rifles and shotguns.

Perhaps knowing the administration was facing immediate federal court action from GOAL, Healey continues to play some version of "whack a mole". Whenever we are ready to proceed with federal court action, her agencies suspend enforcement of that particular section of Chapter 135.

Guidance Language: Click here for official document.


TO: Law Enforcement Agencies, Licensing Authorities, Licensed Firearms Dealers, Firearms
Instructors, LTC and FID holders, and all other Interested Parties
FROM: The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
DATE: October 2, 2024
RE: An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Please be advised that Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,
will become effective on October 2, 2024. Pursuant to the Act, firearms dealers may continue to
sell firearms that are listed on Commonwealth approved rosters, which may be found at the
following link:

Additionally, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sell shotguns and
rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts, pending further guidance from
the Firearms Control Advisory Board

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