New Government Tactics

The New Government Tactic


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Hey folks Jim Wallace here from gun owners action league I just wanted to kind of give you an update on what's happening in fighting chapter 135.

Back in 2016 when Maura Healey pulled her, basically unilateral attack on the so-called assault weapons, she got up held a press conference and basically changed 18 years of settled law. Now in the following years a lot of people asked: has it ever been prosecuted has anybody been prosecuted under that new interpretation? And to our knowledge no individual had been prosecuted under it.

Now, there may have been a few retailers that got caught in it, but they weren't allowed to talk to us because of whatever the attorney general made them sign. So, I actually coined the phrase back then that we were all made into “felons in waiting” because it wasn't a law she passed, but it was a new interpretation she came up with. It potentially made hundreds of thousands of people felons in waiting. That's exactly what they want.

Now, we are now going back many years even back to the Clinton era, I would tell people that their mission is no longer to confiscate your guns. I don't think they'll do that, can you imagine the worldwide image that that would give. I believe that the mission is much more insidious. Rather than confiscate your guns, they're just going to make you a criminal on paper. What that means is if they want you they got you.

If you own a gun, if you store a gun what whatever it might be if they want you for anything. Not just a gun issue they can use that against you and say oh, wait a minute here we checked your records you won't miss you've done this whatever they gotcha.

So, is it politically more effective, and I and I told the newspapers this in other media several times after Healey pulled her stunt when she was attorney general, is it politically better to keep 600,000 people in fear of prosecution or is it more political power to prosecute a handful of people. Well, it's pretty obvious.

If you can keep hundreds of thousands of people scared that they might fall into the felony category. You know any tyrant in the world's going to tell you that that's much better. Now, the other thing is they don't want to actually prosecute people whether it's in 2016 or probably even the new law because if they do that means it has to go to court and be defended. And they pretty much know that that's not going to happen. That if they take it to court it's going to go all the way up to federal court and most of this stuff is going to get shot down.

So, here's the problem that we're facing now with this new government strategy. None of this new law, as far as we know, is actually being enforced. Law enforcement has no clue what to do with it, the average gun owner has no clue what to do with it, and as we have tried to bring things to court the governor is just suspending those portions of the law. So like many of our members and supporters I look at it and say there's an unconstitutional law on the books it has to be done away with. That's from the non-lawyer me, which I'm not a lawyer, but the courts look at it and go yeah it's there but it's not being enforced and nobody has standing. Because they haven't been charged or even being threatened with being charged. So, it makes challenging these laws in court very difficult.

Now, I honestly believe that that's part of their plan is just to have this “Devil's Snare” of a set of laws in place that totally confuses everybody involved whether you're an average gun owner whether you're a retailer even law enforcement and just tie us up in knots trying to figure out what we can and can't do.

Now, the guidance is going to come very slow. You know I've already talked a little bit about in a previous audio about the Firearm Control Advisory Board which I sit on that tried to deal with only two things, the potential long gun roster, and then the potential banned assault weapon roster. In two hours we couldn't even make a dent in just those two simple things, well they're not simple, but they're just two subjects out of how many that are in this chapter?

So, I just think we need to all keep that in mind that this is not going to be an easy fight because it's like nailing water to the wall. Because they have no intention of giving us the opportunity to have standing in court to challenge these things. That doesn't mean we're not trying. We're working with basically all of the national groups SAF, FPC, NRA and all of the experts, all of them, are trying to find you know a chink in the armor so we can get into court and at least tackle these things. But the state is purposely making that virtually impossible by either not enforcing it, or by suspending portions of the law as we try to attack them.

So, we're not giving up folks, but I just thought I would make you aware of what I am seeing and others are seeing in a new government tactic, in passing convoluted unconstitutional laws but not really enforcing them. Basically by doing that, they've created how many hundreds of thousands and if it's a national law millions of what we call felons in waiting because that's what we have become and that's what our legislature has turned us into so anyway we'll keep you up to date folks and things are moving along and we're still fighting this in every way we possibly can and thank you for your support and we'll keep in touch.

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