
Dear Affiliated Clubs,

We are excited to extend an opportunity to host two empowering safety courses at your club! If your members are interested in learning about personal safety strategies or effective self-defense tools, we invite you to reach out and schedule a session with Kerrie Ann Auclair.

Available Courses:

SABRE Civilian Safety Awareness Program (CSAP) Pepper Spray Class: Learn about the proper use of pepper spray as a self-defense tool, including:

  • Legal considerations
  • Effective deployment techniques
  • Situational awareness

NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® Program: One of the most critical steps toward ensuring personal safety is having a proactive strategy in place. This nationally acclaimed program teaches tips and techniques to help you:

  • Stay alert to dangerous situations
  • Avoid criminal confrontation
  • Develop a personalized safety strategy

Hosting one of these classes provides a unique opportunity to enhance your members’ safety knowledge and skills while fostering community engagement. Kerrie Ann Auclair, a seasoned instructor, is dedicated to delivering practical and empowering training tailored to your club's needs.

If your club is interested in hosting either a Pepper Spray Class or a Refuse To Be A Victim session, please don’t hesitate to contact Kerrie Ann Auclair directly. Let’s work together to make personal safety education accessible and impactful for your members.

Best regards

Kerrie Ann Auclair

GOAL Advocacy Director and Women’s Programs Assistant
Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL)




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