
Belchertown - Suitability

Eastern Hampshire District Court

Update: Belchertown has appealed the District Court ruling against suitability.

Belchertown Suitability Case Update

Eastern Hampshire District Court (Doran v. Pacunas / docket 2498CV84)

In February of 2024, the Belchertown, MA firearm licensing authority denied resident Connor Doran a firearms license due to being determined “unsuitable”. That denial was appealed with the help of Attorney Dan Hagan of Springfield. In district court, Judge Bruce S. Melikian, ruled against Belchertown stating that the denial was “overly broad, vague and therefore arbitrary and capricious.”

After the judge ruled, the town then hired a Boston law firm. That firm filed a motion, on behalf of Belchertown, for a hearing to present further evidence.(Court's Decision) That motion was denied. As a result, the town is wasting more of its citizens’ money appealing their anti-Second Amendment policy.

GOAL has stepped in to help fund the appeal on this very important, and potentially historic case.

“Post Bruen, Massachusetts district courts have a whole new take on the egregious Massachusetts laws, regulations, and policies regarding the Second Amendment,” said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of GOAL. “GOAL will do everything we can to support Mr. Doran as the town attacks this pro-civil rights decision.”

To follow this, and other cases that GOAL is involved in:

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